1 2
| with context_expression [as target(s)]: with-body
with 语法非常简单,我们只需要 with
1 2 3 4
| with open('file.txt') as f: for line in f:
with 非常简单,我们只需要 with
一个类在 Python 中,只要实现以下方法,就实现了 「 上下文管理协议 」:
: 在进入 with
语法块之前调用,返回值会赋值给 with
的 target
: 在退出 with
contextlib 模块
使用 contextlib
模块,我们可以把上下文管理器当成一个 「 装饰器 」来使用。
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| from contextlib import contextmanager
@contextmanager def test(): print("before") yield 'hello' print("after")
with test() as t: print(t)
closing 方法
closing 主要用在已经实现close
Redis 分布式锁
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| @contextmanager def lock(redis, lock_key, expire): try: locked = redis.set(lock_key, 'locked', expire) yield locked finally: redis.delete(lock_key)
with lock(redis, 'locked', 3) as locked: if not locked: return
redis 事务和管道
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| from contextlib import contextmanager
@contextmanager def pipeline(redis): pipe = redis.pipeline() try: yield pipe pipe.execute() except Exception as exc: pipe.reset()
with pipeline(redis) as pipe: pipe.set("key1", 'a', 30) pipe.zadd('key2', 'a', 1) pipe.sadd('key3', 'a')